CDR International welcomes Mrs. Flavia Bonfantini

By November 1, 2015 All, Europe, Uncategorized

Flavia Bontfantini 20151118CDR International has increased its engineering capacity by employing a new staff member. As from November 1st 2015, Mrs. Flavia Bonfantini (MSc.) is full-time participating the CDR International team, and works as project engineer on international projects.
Mrs. Flavia Bonfantini is a cum-laude graduated civil engineer educated by renowned professors in Italy and in Delft, The Netherlands with UNESCO-IHE. Through several academic projects she has developed a wide knowledge of several different aspects of civil engineering. She has designed marine structures, breakwaters and systems for water supply and sewage treatment. She has researched and prepared her MSc. thesis on rubble mound breakwaters for the development of a new single layer concrete armour unit.
We are very proud that Mrs. Bonfantini is strengthening our team and wish her all the best in her promising career.