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CDR International welcomes Mr. Haisam Daouk

By | Africa, All, Europe, Uncategorized

As of March 1st, 2021, Haisam Daouk (MSc.) joined CDR International as a Project Engineer. In November 2020 Haisam graduated from the Hydraulic Engineering program at Delft University of Technology specializing in Coastal engineering. Haisam’s MSc. thesis looked at the impacts of boundary conditions on morphological predictions in numerical modelling. Specifically, Haisam studied the effects of infra-gravity waves on dune-erosion predictions during storm events in XBeach.
Haisam completed his BEng. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the American University of Beirut. For his Bachelor’s project he conducted a seismic risk and vulnerability assessment of the university hospital. Haisam completed his internship with a reputable engineering consultancy firm in the Netherlands where he worked on a Port Masterplan for a project in Bangladesh. Furthermore, he conducted an internship on a Transportation Infrastructure project in Lusail, Qatar.
CDR wishes Haisam all the best in his new endeavour.

CDR International welcomes Mr. Stijn Dijsselbloem

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As of the 1st of January 2021, Stijn Dijsselbloem (MSc.) joined CDR International as Project Engineer.
In September 2020, Stijn graduated as Hydraulic Engineer at the Delft University of Technology with the specializations of Coastal, River and Dredging Engineering. His MSc. thesis was about incorporating the wave penetration model PHAROS in the Dynamic Mooring Analysis chain. As a case study, field measurements from the outer port of La Coruña, Spain, were used for validation. During his Bachelors, Stijn did an exchange semester at the Universitat Politècnica de València and conducted his BSc. thesis in Maputo, Mozambique, were he aimed to improve the design of the wastewater treatment plant. Additionally, during his Masters, he worked on a project in Buenos Aires by investigating the feasibility of a network of marinas along the coast of the province of Buenos Aires. Lastly, an internship was conducted at a civil engineering consultancy firm in Lima, Peru, where he mostly worked on projects related to Dynamic Mooring Analyses.
CDR wishes him all the best in his new endeavour.

CDR International welcomes Mrs. Nadine Cronjé

By | Africa, All, Europe, Uncategorized

As of the 1st of December 2020, Nadine Cronjé (MEng) joined the CDR engineering team as a Maritime Engineer.
Nadine graduated as a Civil Engineer in 2012, whereafter she completed her Port and Coastal Engineering Master’s Degree (parttime) at the Stellenbosch University, South Africa. As part of her thesis research, she focused on developing the Namibian Port of Walvis Bay into a Southern Africa Logistic Container Cluster.
Nadine has over seven years of experience in the port and coastal engineering sector of which she was based for two years in the Middle East. She has worked in the field of port masterplanning and also gained coastal experience in shoreline erosion/accretion variations and dredging inputs into environmental impact assessment studies. In addition, she has worked in the field of port structures and residential developments. Countries of project locations she worked on include South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Kuwait.
CDR wishes her all the best in her new endeaviour.

RVO Water as Leverage programme nominated for a Dutch Design Award

By | All, Asia, Uncategorized

Photo: © RVO – Cynthia van Elk

The Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia (WaL) programme is one of 3 nominees for a Dutch Design Award. WaL competes in the ‘Best Commissioning’ category. WaL believes that water can cause climate action. Also, WaL contributes to sustainable, social, economic and ecological development. More…

CDR was leading the “Khulna as a Water Inclusive City “team. More…

See also CDR’s project description …

Kick Off Flood Management Feasibility Study for the Msimbazi Middle Catchment Area, Tanzania

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The consortium of CDR International and local partner WEMA Consult has been awarded the Flood Management Feasibility Study for the Msimbazi Middle Catchment Area in Tanzania. The overall objective of the study is to identify and analyse potential flood management options in order to reduce risk of flooding for the middle (lower) Msimbazi catchment area. The study is financed by GIZ (Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GmbH). The kick off took place mid-January.

See Project Description ⇒

Kick Off Developing Concept Design Solutions for Coastal Erosion, Bangladesh

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The consortium of CDR International, Deltares and local partner IWM Consult has been awarded the project Developing Concept Design Solutions for Coastal Erosion in Bangladesh. The overall objective of the project is to development a long-term program for investment in coastal protection. Coastal hazard impact mitigation measures and strengthening coastal resilience remains to have a high priority due to the increasing number of communities and assets exposed and the increasing frequency and intensity of events. The project is financed by the World Bank, and the kick off took place mid-December.

See Project Description ⇒

3D Model test coastal defences residential Maiyegun each estate, Nigeria

By | Africa, All, Europe, Uncategorized

A 3D scale model of a Nigerian beach near Lagos has been put through its paces this month in our state-of-the-art modelling hall. New coastal defences are needed where the beach has retreated at the residential Maiyegun beach estate following major development farther along the coast. CDR International, the designers of the coastal protection scheme, asked HR Wallingford in the UK to build the model to show how the proposed sea defences would influence the response of the beach.

More: State-of-the-art modelling for Nigerian coast

Ferry Landing Design, Wanseko, Uganda

By | Africa, All, Uncategorized

In association with DYNACO and Centre for Infrastructure Consulting (CIC), CDR International is providing marine design services for the design and construction of a new ferry landing at Wanseko, Lake Albert, Uganda. These works are part of a larger plan of the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) to upgrade the road system in the country. This ferry line is a key link to cross the lake (160 x 30km in area) between Wanseko and Panyimur.

Kick Off Protecting Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon, Ghana

By | Africa, All, Uncategorized

The consortium of IMDC, CDR International, Rebel Group and ADK has been awarded the Feasibility Study for Deferred and Performance Based Maintenance Dredging of the Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon in Ghana. The overall project objective is to contribute to achieving 1 in 10 years flood protection (T10) in the primary Odaw channel system, by preparing a ready-to-tender Performance Based Contracting (PBC) investment that will be financed as part of the broader World Bank GARID programme. The kick off took place mid-May.

See also Dredging Today: “Protecting Odaw Channel and Korle Lagoon”
See Project Description =>