We are proud to announce that starting august 2017 Laurens Poelhekke will be posted in Hanoi, Vietnam for CDR International through the Young Expert Programme (YEP) and in cooperation with VINWATER.
The YEP-programme (www.yepprogrammes.com) is jointly funded through the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP, www.nwp.nl ) and gives young experts the opportunity to gain experience abroad. The young experts are supported by the programme through an intensive three week training course and coaching for two years. This year the YEP-group consisted of 30 young experts from over 13 different countries. Whom together followed the three week training course focussing on personal development (through MBTI), intercultural communication, facilitation, conflict management & mediation, negation and masterclasses on the themes of water, food and the development of business cases.
Laurens Poelhekke will work closely together & share office space with VINWATER (www.vinwater.com.vn) in Hanoi. VINWATER is the Vietnam Netherlands Center for Water and Environment. Founded as the result of a long-standing relationship between Vietnam and The Netherlands, particularly the strong partnership between the Vietnam Water Resource University and the Delft University of Technology. VINWATER is a science and technology organization that aims to further facilitate the cooperation between the two countries in the Water Sector.
In posting Laurens in Hanoi, CDR is expanding its international ambitions in doing business in South East Asia. CDR aims to collaborate with national partners on the topics of Inland Waterway Transport, Port Development, Coastal Erosion, Flood Protection, Coastline Development and Protection, Inland Water Resource Management (IWRM) but also on the nexus of water and agrofood.
CDR wishes Laurens Poelhekke the best of luck with his posting in Hanoi, Vietnam!