

RVO Water as Leverage programme nominated for a Dutch Design Award

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Photo: © RVO – Cynthia van Elk

The Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia (WaL) programme is one of 3 nominees for a Dutch Design Award. WaL competes in the ‘Best Commissioning’ category. WaL believes that water can cause climate action. Also, WaL contributes to sustainable, social, economic and ecological development. More…

CDR was leading the “Khulna as a Water Inclusive City “team. More…

See also CDR’s project description …

Kick Off Developing Concept Design Solutions for Coastal Erosion, Bangladesh

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The consortium of CDR International, Deltares and local partner IWM Consult has been awarded the project Developing Concept Design Solutions for Coastal Erosion in Bangladesh. The overall objective of the project is to development a long-term program for investment in coastal protection. Coastal hazard impact mitigation measures and strengthening coastal resilience remains to have a high priority due to the increasing number of communities and assets exposed and the increasing frequency and intensity of events. The project is financed by the World Bank, and the kick off took place mid-December.

See Project Description ⇒

NL.IN.BUSINESS – Laurens Poelhekke on Doing Business in Vietnam

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According to Laurens Poelhekke (29) of CDR International, in order to be successful as an international entrepreneur, you have to be flexible and have a feeling for cultural aspects. But not only that; having a local network is essential. “And in Vietnam, being present in the country is very much appreciated.” We spoke to Poelhekke about doing business in Vietnam. How did he tackle that, where do you have to be as a Dutch entrepreneur and where does he think there are opportunities?

“Find a good local partner, put a lot of time in it. Build a good working relationship, and then doing business in Vietnam can go very fast! “

Laurens Poelhekke is South East Asia Representative / Civil Engineer in Vietnam for CDR International. He is also a board member of the Dutch Business Association Vietnam (DBAV). He now lives and works in Ho Chi Minh City. Since one and a half years he has been the forward post for South East Asia for the engineering firm in the hydraulic engineering sector. Twenty people now work worldwide for CDR International. “I am co-responsible for building and developing projects in Vietnam, Myanmar and Bangladesh. I am also a hydraulic engineering engineer for our projects. For example, I have worked on a project where six flood defences and seven kilometres of dyke have been built in Ho Chi Minh. CDR carried out a design review for the contractor. The city suffers from a high water problem due to high water levels in the river and flooding caused by flooding, especially around the monsoon. I am also involved in a port project in Bangladesh and inland development in Myanmar. “

For the full interview (in Dutch only) see: Ondernemen in Vietnam

Launch Urban Water Logistics Yangon Myanmar

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The Urban Water Logistics Yangon (UWLY), Partners for International Business (PIB) Consortium 2018-2021, has been launched in Myanmar “Collaborating for a Bright Water and Maritime Future of the Yangon Delta”. CDR International is part of the consortium.
The UWLY covenant has been signed in Yangon, Myanmar, by the Chief Minister, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and all PIB members. Workshops will now take place in Yangon with major stakeholders and develop the timeframe and projects.

CDR participates in RVO Water as Leverage workshop in Khulna Bangladesh

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CDR participates in RVO Water as Leverage workshop in Khulna Bangladesh, presided by Henk Ovink, with the Design Team consisting of : Defacto, Nelen & Schuurmans, Royal HaskoningDHV, Wageningen University, Dutch Public Works, DevCon, Khulna University and leading partner CDR International. Henk Ovink is the first appointed Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

CDR partner in PIB program Vietnam for Inland Waterways and Ports

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Minister Kaag of Foreign Trade & Development opened the 100th PIB program (Partners for International Business).
The 100th PIB program revolves around domestic waterways in Vietnam. Dutch companies excel in the dredging of waterways and in the development of ports. Vietnam can use this knowledge and expertise well.
To meet Vietnamese demand, Dutch companies have united in a PIB program. In addition, a government-to-government program is being set up under the direction of Rijkswaterstaat (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management). This must result in an integral policy approach for the waterway corridor at Ho Chi Minh City.
This ‘Dutch approach’ must then also be implemented in other parts of the country.

See also: Mijlpaal – 100 keer Partners for International Business

RVO Awards CDR and partners D2B Study Bank Protection Mao River in Bhutan

By | All, Asia

CDR and its partners have been awarded a D2B (Development to Build) subsidy to carry out the Mao river bank protection.
The project will focus on the overall objective of the D2B project, which is to identify suitable and sustainable infrastructural flood protection intervention(s) and / or mitigation intervention(s) alongside the Mao River in order to reduce Gelephu’s vulnerability to floods of the Mao River.
The sub goals of the Develop2Build project are: (1) Answering the question if river training of the Mao River is possible, and if so to what extent. (2) Define the need and suitable and sustainable locations and intervention(s) for land reclamation alongside both banks of Mao River.
See project –>


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BREAKWATERHEALTHSCAN® is a fresh joint initiative by CDR International, Van der Meer Consulting, DEEP and SKEYE with the aim to provide an efficient all-inclusive service product in the marine and maritime industry, viz. a thorough check on the condition of breakwaters and revetments, in particular in offshore, coastal and estuarian areas. Those can be breakwaters for port entrances, but also groynes, revetments and detached breakwater structures for coastal protection. The checks and scans will be done above and under water and the results will be presented into one actual digital geometric entity. The partners are renowned globally operating companies that are adopting highest standard scanning and processing tools and procedures as well as highly specialised and knowledgeable experts and specialists in marine structures engineering.
The services will be relevant for instance for Port Authorities, Marine Contractors, Insurance Companies, Project Developers and Financiers, Marine Consultants and Land Concessionaires.
Situations that demand the services can be in case of immediate damage repair, general rehabilitation and overhaul, upgrade for new environmental conditions, expansion of the structures, adjacent developments such as reclamations against the structure, analyses if poor construction methodologies seem to be the case and maybe some design issues.
For more information on BREAKWATERHEALTHSCAN®, we kindly refer to and by email to