

Delft University of Technology Students in Sri Lanka

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 A group of 20 “Hydraulic Engineering Student Association (waterbouwdispuut)” students from the Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) visited Sri Lanka as part of their study tour. CDR donated time and funding to show them the Land Reclamation Project in Colombo Port City and the Hambantota Port Development Project in Sri Lanka.
See also 

TU Delft Students in Sri Lanka 20170718-3

CDR CPC project land reclamation
TU Delft Students in Sri Lanka 20170718-2

CDR is opening shop in Hanoi, Vietnam with VINWATER and YEP-per Laurens Poelhekke

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We are proud to announce that starting august 2017 Laurens Poelhekke will be posted in Hanoi, Vietnam for CDR International through the Young Expert Programme (YEP) and in cooperation with VINWATER.

The YEP-programme ( is jointly funded through the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP, ) and gives young experts the opportunity to gain experience abroad. The young experts are supported by the programme through an intensive three week training course and coaching for two years. This year the YEP-group consisted of 30 young experts from over 13 different countries. Whom together followed the three week training course focussing on personal development (through MBTI), intercultural communication, facilitation, conflict management & mediation, negation and masterclasses on the themes of water, food and the development of business cases.

Laurens Poelhekke will work closely together & share office space with VINWATER ( in Hanoi. VINWATER is the Vietnam Netherlands Center for Water and Environment. Founded as the result of a long-standing relationship between Vietnam and The Netherlands, particularly the strong partnership between the Vietnam Water Resource University and the Delft University of Technology. VINWATER is a science and technology organization that aims to further facilitate the cooperation between the two countries in the Water Sector.

In posting Laurens in Hanoi, CDR is expanding its international ambitions in doing business in South East Asia. CDR aims to collaborate with national partners on the topics of Inland Waterway Transport, Port Development, Coastal Erosion, Flood Protection, Coastline Development and Protection, Inland Water Resource Management (IWRM) but also on the nexus of water and agrofood.

CDR wishes Laurens Poelhekke the best of luck with his posting in Hanoi, Vietnam!

CDR Participation Dutch Trade Delegation in Indonesia

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From November 21-24, 2016 CDR’s Dirk Heijboer and Harrie Laboyrie participate in the Dutch Trade Delegation to Indonesia that is organised by the Dutch government and represented by prime minister Mark Rutte, minister Lilianne Ploumen (International Trade & Development Cooperation), minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen (Infrastructure & Environment), and secretary of state Sharon Dijksma (Infrastructure & Environment). The purpose of the mission is for Indonesia and The Netherlands to create a sustainable future together.

Article Published in Hydro International

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Article Hydro International - photo 2.jpgArticle Hydro International - photo 1 Raw Data as Information Source – Model for Remediation Design Study of Southeast Asian Port Basin.
Authors: Bas van de Sande (CDR International), Eelco Bijl (CDR International), Jelle Tamminga (DEEP).

CDR International in cooperation with DEEP have written an article on the extensive site survey as performed for the remediation design study of a Port Basin in South-east asia. This site survey included a detailed bathymetric survey using a double multibeam system and a drone survey. As very high detail was required for the whole facing for proper analysis, the raw measured data was used as 3D model without any further post-processing as this may lead to loss of data.
More on can be found on:

Presentation “Design Process of a Sandy Convex Shaped Beach”

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Paper “Design process of a sandy convex shaped beach layout” was presented at the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management.
As part of the Value Engineering project for Colombo Port City, a delegation of CDR International presented the paper ‘Design process of a sandy convex shaped beach layout’ at the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management in Kandy, Sri Lanka.
The technical content of the conference has been diversified with respect to earlier editions, now including Water Safety and Hydraulic Structures. The paper, which presents a case study of the Colombo Port City development, was well received by the audience who appreciated the insight into the CPC related engineering works.
CDR likes to thank CHEC for providing the opportunity to present the paper on their behalf. Moreover, CDR likes to congratulate the organizing committee for successfully hosting the event.

CDR’s Contribution to Colombo Port City SEAI

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From the 1st of December, the Report of SEAI (Supplementary Environmental Impact Assessment) study on the proposed Colombo Port City is made available by the Government for public review. CDR contributed with the analysis of the potential impact on water quality and morphology and the mitigation measures for the outlet of the Beira Lake and the stormwater drainage outlets.

TU Delft (Netherlands) students in Sri Lanka

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On 15th September, the 4 student team of the Civil Engineering department of the University of Delft (Netherlands) met with CDR in Colombo (Sri Lanka). The team is studying fishery ports, including the Dikkowita Fishery Port. CDR is their main sponsor and offers assistance in practical advice and reviews their study findings. We wish them all the best during their studies in Sri Lanka.

Netherlands King’s Day Sri Lanka

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Old Friends - New TrendsOn 27th April a reception was organised by the royal Netherlands embassy in Sri Lanka on the occasion of the national day, to celebrate the birthday of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.

Our project manager Herald Vervoorn was one of the guests. As CDR International is involved in the Colombo port city project, we were requested to be one of the sponsor of this event.

We appreciated the reception and the efforts of the embassy and look forward for a continuation of the excellent relations between the countries and for the well-being and happiness of all people in Sri Lanka.

CDR International welcomes Mr. Herald Vervoorn

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Herald VervoornAs from December 1st 2014, Mr. Herald Vervoorn has joined CDR International. Mr. Vervoorn will start his active CDR career with the land reclamation and marine design of Colombo port city, which is currently under construction. He has a history as resident engineer and project manager in Sri Lanka on the Dikkovita fishery harbour construction. Mr. Vervoorn will return to Sri Lanka to occupy our CDR Sri Lanka office from January 2015.
Mr. Vervoorn has 18 years of experience in the managing and executing of international projects related to maritime, river, civil and (geo)-hydrologic engineering. He is an IPMA-B certified project manager with knowledge of water management, hydraulic engineering and civil engineering and has successfully completed many challenging national and international projects.
We warmly welcome Mr. Vervoorn to our team and wish him all the best in his active career with CDR International.