

CDR International welcomes Mrs. Sophie Bockelmann

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Sophie Bockelmann SQR 20170105-2CDR International has increased its engineering capacity by employing a new staff member. As from the 1st of February 2017, Mrs. Sophie Bockelmann (MSc.) strengthens the CDR International team. Sophie works as a Project Engineer on international projects.
During her 6 months internship in France Sophie has researched the Modeling and Simulation of a Tidal Energy Converter in the Somme Bay (English Channel) and the related Hydrodynamic Processes by creating a 2D Numerical Model.
Sophie has graduated in 2016 at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany at the institute for Hydromechanics and Coastal Engineering, where she has researched the Design Possibilities of Flood Protection Walls and their optional combination with Dikes or Revetments by analyzing Factors as the Surrounding Space, Static Impacts and Geotechnical Stabilities, which reflected in the subject of her thesis.
CDR wishes Sophie all the best at the start of her career.

CDR International welcomes Mr. Bart-Jan van der Spek

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Bart-Jan van der Spek SMLCDR International has increased its engineering capacity by employing a new staff member. As from August 1st 2016, Mr. Bart-Jan van der Spek (MSc.) will strengthening the CDR International team. Mr. van der Spek will work as Project Manager / Project Engineer on international projects. Mr. van der Spek is a Coastal Engineer and Modelling Expert and has extensive knowledge about statistics.
Mr. van der Spek has a recent working history with Royal HaskoningDHV, where he worked as Consultant / Project Engineer on national (Netherlands) and international projects.
We are very proud that Mr. van der Spek is strengthening our team and wish him all the best in his promising career.

CDR International welcomes Mr. Laurens Poelhekke

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Laurens-Poelhekke Photo SQR 20160623CDR has increased its engineering capacity and welcomes Mr. Laurens Poelhekke who joins as a Civil and Marine Project Engineer.
Laurens graduated in 2015 at the Delft University of Technology. Thereafter he continued with further research on his graduation topic at the renowned Deltares institute, which led to the paper “Predicting Coastal Hazards for Sandy Coasts with a Bayesian Network”, which is currently under review at the Journal of Coastal Engineering. The research involves predicting coastal erosion and overwash using a combined probabilistic approach with the numerical model XBeach. The research has been done for the Deltares RISC-KIT project and is currently being used in the development of an Early Warning System for marine coastal hazards for several European countries.
Laurens has a wide international and engineering interest which he has shown during his education, by undertaking several projects and internships abroad, spending several months in Romania, Portugal and Cuba.
CDR wishes Laurens all the best at the start of his career.

Presentation “Design Process of a Sandy Convex Shaped Beach”

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Paper “Design process of a sandy convex shaped beach layout” was presented at the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management.
As part of the Value Engineering project for Colombo Port City, a delegation of CDR International presented the paper ‘Design process of a sandy convex shaped beach layout’ at the 6th International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management in Kandy, Sri Lanka.
The technical content of the conference has been diversified with respect to earlier editions, now including Water Safety and Hydraulic Structures. The paper, which presents a case study of the Colombo Port City development, was well received by the audience who appreciated the insight into the CPC related engineering works.
CDR likes to thank CHEC for providing the opportunity to present the paper on their behalf. Moreover, CDR likes to congratulate the organizing committee for successfully hosting the event.

CDR International welcomes Mrs. Flavia Bonfantini

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Flavia Bontfantini 20151118CDR International has increased its engineering capacity by employing a new staff member. As from November 1st 2015, Mrs. Flavia Bonfantini (MSc.) is full-time participating the CDR International team, and works as project engineer on international projects.
Mrs. Flavia Bonfantini is a cum-laude graduated civil engineer educated by renowned professors in Italy and in Delft, The Netherlands with UNESCO-IHE. Through several academic projects she has developed a wide knowledge of several different aspects of civil engineering. She has designed marine structures, breakwaters and systems for water supply and sewage treatment. She has researched and prepared her MSc. thesis on rubble mound breakwaters for the development of a new single layer concrete armour unit.
We are very proud that Mrs. Bonfantini is strengthening our team and wish her all the best in her promising career.

Gas Revolution Industrial Park, Delta State, Nigeria Ready to Proceed to a Next Phase

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By finalizing the post concept masterplan strategic studies for the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC), the Gas Revolution Industrial Park (GRIP) project is ready to proceed to a next phase.
The results of the CDR strategic studies provide the technical background required to support short term discussion making. The provided solutions to tackle the identified technical constraints enable the accelerated development of GRIP. This is further supported by an in-depth land reclamation plan which connects to the mid and long term port masterplanning.

Investigation and Design Study of Revetment Remediation Works

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Inspection Revetment IMG20151002NCDR International BV has been involved in the investigation and remediation design study of a Port Basin revetment in South-east Asia. After construction of revetment works some initial, unexpected settlements of the armour layer occurred which may endanger the stability of the revetment over time.
A site visit was performed including high detailed survey of the facing above and below water by drone and bathymetric survey. The bathymetric survey was done by a dual Multibeam system, providing high detail data and highly accurate image of the armour facing below water level.
Based on the investigation study, including review of design, construction and supervision, a physical modelling study is performed to obtain the most practical, reliable and cost-efficient remediation design. Attention is paid on the execution aspect of the design to minimize further negative effects.