CDR International welcomes Mr. Laurens Poelhekke

By April 15, 2016 All, Europe, Uncategorized

Laurens-Poelhekke Photo SQR 20160623CDR has increased its engineering capacity and welcomes Mr. Laurens Poelhekke who joins as a Civil and Marine Project Engineer.
Laurens graduated in 2015 at the Delft University of Technology. Thereafter he continued with further research on his graduation topic at the renowned Deltares institute, which led to the paper “Predicting Coastal Hazards for Sandy Coasts with a Bayesian Network”, which is currently under review at the Journal of Coastal Engineering. The research involves predicting coastal erosion and overwash using a combined probabilistic approach with the numerical model XBeach. The research has been done for the Deltares RISC-KIT project and is currently being used in the development of an Early Warning System for marine coastal hazards for several European countries.
Laurens has a wide international and engineering interest which he has shown during his education, by undertaking several projects and internships abroad, spending several months in Romania, Portugal and Cuba.
CDR wishes Laurens all the best at the start of his career.