CDR International welcomes Mrs. Nadine Cronjé

By December 1, 2020 Africa, All, Europe, Uncategorized

As of the 1st of December 2020, Nadine Cronjé (MEng) joined the CDR engineering team as a Maritime Engineer.
Nadine graduated as a Civil Engineer in 2012, whereafter she completed her Port and Coastal Engineering Master’s Degree (parttime) at the Stellenbosch University, South Africa. As part of her thesis research, she focused on developing the Namibian Port of Walvis Bay into a Southern Africa Logistic Container Cluster.
Nadine has over seven years of experience in the port and coastal engineering sector of which she was based for two years in the Middle East. She has worked in the field of port masterplanning and also gained coastal experience in shoreline erosion/accretion variations and dredging inputs into environmental impact assessment studies. In addition, she has worked in the field of port structures and residential developments. Countries of project locations she worked on include South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Kuwait.
CDR wishes her all the best in her new endeaviour.