Investigation and Design Study of Revetment Remediation Works

By October 2, 2015 All, Asia Pacific, Uncategorized

Inspection Revetment IMG20151002NCDR International BV has been involved in the investigation and remediation design study of a Port Basin revetment in South-east Asia. After construction of revetment works some initial, unexpected settlements of the armour layer occurred which may endanger the stability of the revetment over time.
A site visit was performed including high detailed survey of the facing above and below water by drone and bathymetric survey. The bathymetric survey was done by a dual Multibeam system, providing high detail data and highly accurate image of the armour facing below water level.
Based on the investigation study, including review of design, construction and supervision, a physical modelling study is performed to obtain the most practical, reliable and cost-efficient remediation design. Attention is paid on the execution aspect of the design to minimize further negative effects.