CDR is providing the following technical services:

  • Review of the methodology and available studies related to the hydraulic and morphological environment.
  • Assessment of site: preparation of cyclone and flooding study as part of the DIA.
  • Suitability of site: detailed bathymetric survey and morphological study.
  • Preparation of fuel supply plan: development of detailed transportation plan for loading and unloading port for required amount of coal including ships movement allocation plan.
  • Preparation of conceptual design: conceptual design of all major equipment and major systems relating to the coal terminal, port & harbour and embankment protection.
  • Preparation of optimum design of the proposed plant: assessment of the coal logistics, coal jetty, estimated requirement, handling and storage facilities.

Site Visit Bangladesh

CDR Pekua Power Plant Site Visit 7

CDR Pekua Power Plant Site Visit 4

CDR Pekua Power Plant Site Visit 5

CDR Pekua Power Plant Site Visit 3

CDR Pekua Power Plant Site Visit 2

CDR Pekua Power Plant Site Visit 6