For an offshore LNG project situated in the estuary of the Rio de la Plata nearby Montevideo, Uruguay, it was required to verify the deterministic design of the protective rubble mound breakwater and the jetty infrastructure with a level three probabilistic design.
Gas Sayago S.A. (special purpose company of the Uruguayan National Oil Company and Uruguayan Electric Utility Company) plans the development of a re-gasification terminal to be located close to Punta Sayago in an estuarine marine environment.
DEME Group, the potential contractor, has asked CDR International as part of the design optimization study, to assess the possibility to use a single layer scour protection replacing the multiple layer scour protection in the present IMDC design.
CDR and its partners have conducted a Value Engineering study on the Scour Protection for the GNLS Breakwater and presented various alternatives and optimized designs.